Commercial/Operational License

Some of your business activities that are service, trade, or industrial in nature require special permits from the relevant ministries or institution.

Not all business fields have to apply for commercial and operational licenses, here are examples of various sectors that must apply for commercial and operational licenses
  1. Energy and Mineral Resources Sector- e.g of mining business license (IUP)
  2. Industrial Sector- e.g Industrial activity mobility license
  3. Defense and Security- e.g Security Service Business Entity Operational Permit (SIO BUJK)
  4. Public Works Sector- e.g Construction service business license
  5. Trade Sector- e.g Export or import approval (PE-PI) for special goods
  6. Tourism and Creative Economy- e.g Tourism business license
  7. Transportation- e.g Transportation Management Service Business License (SIUJPT) for goods
  8. Communication and Informatics Sector- e.g Frequency permission
  9. Financial Sector- e.g Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK)
  10. Labor Sector- e.g Worker Service Provider Operational Permit
  11. Education Sector- e.g Operational license for the implementation of education
  12. Health Sector- e.g Medical device distributor license and/or medical device production license

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